Operation Log
Last Updated:2020-09-01
Query the Operation Log
Use the following codes to query the operation log of the specified physical machine
def get_operation_log(self):
# The starting location of query for batch acquisition of lists, and is one string generated by the system.
marker = 'your-marker'
# Maximum number contained in each page, generally not exceeding 1000. The default value is 100.
max_keys = 100
# To query the start time of physical machine operation (UTC time), the format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' ; if it is empty, query the operation log of the day
start_time = ''
# To query the end time (UTC time) of the physical machine operation, the format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' ; if it is empty, query the operation log of the day
end_time = ''
self.client.get_operation_log(marker = marker, max_keys = max_keys, start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time)