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          GPU Compute Service

          Building a PaddlePaddle Environment to Complete Text Sentiment Classification

          Building a PaddlePaddle Environment to Complete Text Sentiment Classification


          Based on Baidu's deep learning technology research and business application for many years, PaddlePaddle integrates with deep learning core training and reasoning framework, basic model base, end-to-end development kit, and abundant toolkits. This chapter takes bcc.vgn3 (Ubuntu18.04 LTS) as an example to introduce how to quickly build a GPU environment for PaddlePaddle and use the pre-trained model to complete text sentiment classification prediction.


          • Provide a GPU instance, such as gn3, gn2 and vgn3.
          • Install Cuda and GPU driver in the GPU instance. It is recommended to install the Cuda version 11.2, 10.2, or 10.1.
          • Purchase EIP to access the public network.

          Operation Steps

          Log in to the GPU instance, and view the Cuda and GPU driver versions.


          View the current Python environment and confirm that the python version is a3.6 / 3.7 / 3.8 / 3.9

           which python
           python --version

          Install PIP3 and upgrade

           apt-get install python3-pip
           pip3 install -U pip

          Install the paddlepaddle-gpu framework. This chapter takes Cuda 10.2 as an example. If you need to use other Cuda versions to build a PaddlePaddle environment, please see Installation of Other Cuda Versions.

           python -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple

          Install pre-trained model management tool paddlehub

           pip install paddlehub

          Download the pre-trained model senta_bilstm by paddlehub

           hub install senta_bilstm==1.2.0

          Run senta_bilstm

           hub run senta_bilstm --input_text “I love artificial intelligence"

          The prediction results are as follows, and the model predicts that the text is positive emotion.


          Deploying NGC Environment Based on GPU Instance