
All Product Document

          GPU Compute Service

          GPU Card Details and Application Scenarios

          Details of GPU Card

          The basic parameter information of the NVIDIA GPU card used in GPU server is as follows:

          Type of GPU Card CUDA Cores Memory Capacity Single-Precision Floating-Point Performance Double-Precision Floating-Point Performance INT8 Performance INT4 Performance Hybrid Precision
          NVIDIA Tesla T4 2560 16GB 8.1 Tflops -- 130 Tops 260 Tops --
          NVIDIA Tesla V100-32G 5120 32GB 15.7 Tflops 7.8 Tflops -- -- 125 Tflops
          NVIDIA Tesla V100-16G 5120 16GB 15.7 Tflops 7.8 Tflops -- -- 125 Tflops
          NVIDIA Tesla P40 3840 24GB 12 Tflops -- 47 Tops -- --
          NVIDIA Tesla P4 2560 8GB 5.5 Tflops -- 22 Tops -- --
          NVIDIA Tesla K40 2880 12GB 4.29 Tflops 1.43 Tflops -- -- --
          NVIDIA deep learning development card 3584 12GB 11 Tflops -- 44 Tops -- --

          GPU Application Scenarios

          For the off-line training scenario of deep learning, if you are a beginner of deep learning or a start-up, we recommend you the NVIDIA deep learning development card which has the highest cost performance. In creating CPU Cloud Compute, coordinating with Integrated GPU Drive Image, which can help you rapidly finish the environmental deployment and Training experiment.

          For the off-line training scenario of deep learning, if you are the heavy user of the deep learning, and periodically need to train large amount of data, we recommend you the NVIDIA Tesla P40, which has better performance and stability. If you have the requirement of performance perfection, NVIDIA Tesla T4, NVIDIA Tesla V100 and the newest GPU card of NVIDIA, which support the function of Tensor Core, are more preferable. You can select to use on demand. After training, they can release the resource immediately and therefore save the cost. Simultaneously, you can rapidly accelerate the service configuration and constructions of the cloud sever of the GPU by user-defining image function.

          For the on-line prediction scenario of deep learning, its requirement for the GPU performance is lower than off-line training. However it requires higher operating stability and lower response delay to server. Therefore we recommend you NVIDIA Tesla T4 and NVIDIA Tesla P4 which provide more cost-effective options while meeting performance requirements.

          Of course, what is the best is not the best cloud resource but the cloud resource most appropriate for the business. Therefore we provide multiple types of GPU. We help you select different cloud resource according to your own business features and your budget of resource input. When your requirement on training ability is not that high, NVIDIA Tesla K40 is a good choice. When your requirement on off-line training is super high, you can also apply for GPU Baidu Baremetal Compute, It can provide a GPU cluster with 100 G Interconnected Network, and accelerate the training task for you.

          Cluster of GPU Instance Specifications