
All Product Document

          GPU Compute Service

          Data Upload

          Data Upload

          Baidu AI Cloud provides the Baidu Object Storage (BOS) service which is similar to the storage of Baidu Net-disk. An easy client and a CLI tool are available for the use of this service.

          For the data set needed during the use of GPU, you can upload them into your object storage. When you train the data with GPU, draw the data to the local of GPU Baidu Cloud Compute and then process.

          BOS Setup

          1. Visit BOS Product Page, click to immediately purchase, and log in to the console;
          2. In the Bucket administration page, click to create new bucket. After naming, select the region of the new bucket (it is advised to select the same region as GPU Baidu Cloud Compute. Currently the region of all instances of GPU Baidu Cloud Compute is Beijing), and set the authorities of reading and writing to private;
          3. After creation, click the name of the created Bucket on the Bucket administration page and enter the Bucket. You can check up and upload relevant data file on the web;
          4. After the upload of file, you can obtain the file address by clicking the file name or directly obtain by using “wget” on the GPU Baidu Cloud Compute platform.

          Features of and Application Methods of the BOS on GPU Baidu Baremetal Compute

          BOS CLI is the BOS command line tool. Here comes the introduction of how to use BOS CLI in the GPU Baidu Cloud Compute.

          1. From BOS CLI Tool File Pageobtain the compressed packet of the BOS CLI tool under linux.
          2. Unzip the compressed packet of the BOS CLI tool.

            $ unzip bce-cli-0.8.3.zip

          3. Install the “bcecli” database to the directory of “python” in the system.

            $ python setup.py install

          4. Before the use of BOS CLI, it is recommended to configure Access Key, Secure Key, Region first. You can finish the configuration through -c/–configure. After configuration, CLI is automatically written into the main directory of current user. You can log in to the BOS console to obtain AK and SK by clicking the Access Key on the upper right of the suspended window . The Regions should be consistent with the regions in BOS configuration. Fill in bj for Beijing and fill in gz for Guangzhou. For the follow-up options, you can press the Enter key directly to use the default value.

            $ bce -c
            $ BOS Access Key ID [None]: Enter Your AK
            $ BOS Secret Access Key [None]: Enter Your SK
            $ Default region name [bj]: Enter Your region
            $ Default domain [bj.bcebos.com]: Enter Your host
          5. Take the example to upload the “text.txt” file on the GPU Baidu Cloud Compute onto the “mybucket”, the upload command is as follows:

            $ bce bos cp text.txt bos:/mybucket/text.txt

          Other Functions and Billing of BOS

          See BOS Documentation

          Image Use
          Apply for the GPU Baidu Baremetal Compute