Privilege Management
Last Updated:2020-08-13
The main features of access control are as follows:
- Limit the user's access to the data according to the URL. For example, the administrator wants to give a user the privileges of managing the cluster configuration parameters. The administrator can authorize the "POST" privilege of the URL "/_cluster/setting" to the user.
- Limit the user's data read/write operation according to the Index.
Create a User
curl -u username:password --header "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST 'host:port/_user/create' -d'
"username" : "test",
"password" : "test123",
"get_path" : ["/test-", "/online-", "/_cat/health"],
"put_path" : ["/test-"],
"post_path" : ["/test-"],
"del_path" : ["/test-"],
"read_index": ["test-", "online-"],
"write_index": ["test-"]
The command mentioned above is to create a "test" user with a login password of "test123". The user has "put", "post", "get" and "delete" privileges for the indexes starting with "test-" and "get" privilege for the indexes starting with "online-", corresponding to the four operations of Restful API.
- The access path with prefix matching is in "path", corresponding to 4 request methods, i.e., "PUT", "POST", "GET", and "DELETE" in the "HTTP".
- "Read_index" and "write_index" indicates a list of "indexes" for the user to perform read/write operations. According to prefix matching, the privilege plug-in automatically determines whether to perform read or write operation during the access according to the API accessed by the user.
- Only the "superuser" can execute the "Create User" command, and other users cannot do so in any case.
Modify a User
curl -u username:password --header "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST 'host:port/_user/alter' -d'
"username" : "test",
"password" : "test321",
"get_path" : ["/test-", "/_cat/health"],
"read_index": ["test-"]
- This API can modify the user's access privilege as well as the user's password.
- The fields appeared in the message body overwrite the contents of the original fields. In the hidden field, reserve the original contents. For example, if "write_index" does not appear, the user's "write" privilege for the index can not change, but the privilege of the "read index" is only for "test-xxx".
- Only "root" and "superuser" can execute this API.
Delete a User
curl -u username:password --header "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST 'host:port/_user/delete' -d'
"username" : "test"
Display the User Information
curl -u username:password --header "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST 'host:port/_user/show’ -d'
"size" : 20
- The API needs to add its privilege path when creating ordinary users so that they can view their user information.
- If "root" or "superuser" is executing the API, display all users.
- "Size" means the number of users returned. If not written, it is "10" by default.
Reset the Password
curl -u username:password --header "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST 'host:port/_user/resetpasswd' -d'
"password" : "test123"
- The API needs to add its privilege path when creating ordinary users so that they can modify their passwords.
- The administrator should use the API of the updated user when modifying the password of an ordinary user.