Appendix 1
Last Updated:2020-07-30
Model Object Definition
Parameter name | Type | Description |
instanceName | String | Instance name |
instanceId | String | Instance long id |
instanceShortId | String | Instance short ID |
publicIp | String | Public network IP |
internalIp | String | Intranet IP |
agentStatus | AgentStatus | agent status |
crackCount | int | Number of interceptions of brute force |
abnormalCount | int | Number of abnormal login |
operation | OperationCode | Operation code |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
loginTime | String | Login time |
eventType | LoginEventType | Login event type |
repeatCount | int | Count of events |
targetVmid | String | Virtual machine long id |
ipLocation | String | Source ip location |
sourceIp | String | Source IP |
ipStatus | int | Is there any special operation, 0: no, 1: yes |
loginAccount | String | Account name logged |
loginType | LoginType | Login type |
loginResult | int | Login result |
operationStatus | LoginOperationStatus | Order status |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
region | region | Region |
whiteIp | String | Whitelist IP |
ipLocation | String | IP location |
cmdInProcess | int | Whitelist status. 0 means whitelist related operations are completed and the following fields are invalid. 1 means whitelist related operations are not completed and the following fields are invalid. |
vmList | VmWhiteStatusModel | List of virtual machines bound |
applyCount | int | Total number of virtual machines bound |
failedCount | int | Total number of failed operations |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
vmid | String | Virtual machine long id |
whiteStatus | LoginWhiteIpStatus | Whitelist IP status |
region | region | Region |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
vmid | String | Virtual machine long id |
currentStatus | int | Current status, 0 means unticked, 1 means ticked |
expectedStatus | int | Expected status, 0 means unticked, 1 means ticked |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
region | region | Region |
vmid | String | Virtual machine long id |
fileName | String | File absolute path |
fileMtime | String | File modification time |
fileStatus | WebshellFileStatus | File status |
availableOp | list<WebShellFileOperation> | List of available operations for files |
fileType | String | Trojan type |
fileId | int | File identified id |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
itemId | int | Risk id |
itemName | String | Risk Name |
itemCategory | ItemCategoryDescModel | Risk category description |
assetNumber | int | Number of virtual machines affected |
itemLevel | ItemLevel | Risk level |
updateTime | String | Update time in UTC time format |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
system | system | System |
application | String | Application |
category | String | Check category |
item | String | Check item |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
items | list<ItemCategoryModel> | Configuration list of the check item category |
name | String | Operating system |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
items | list<ItemGroupModel> | Configuration list of the check item group |
name | String | Name of the check category |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
items | list<ItemDetailModel> | Detailed configuration list of the check item |
name | String | Name of the check item group |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
items | String | null |
name | String | Name of the check item |
itemsId | int | Inspection item id |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
items | list<ItemCategoryConfigModel> | Configuration list of the check item category |
name | String | Operating system |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
items | list<ItemGroupConfigModel> | Configuration list of the check item group |
name | String | Name of the check category |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
items | list<ItemDetailConfigModel> | Detailed configuration list of the check item |
name | String | Name of the check item group |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
items | String | null |
name | String | Name of the check item |
itemsId | int | Inspection item id |
status | int | Selected or not, 0: not selected, 1: selected |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
instance_uuid | String | Virtual machine long id |
region | region | Region |
instanceId | String | Virtual machine short id |
name | String | Virtual machine name |
vmStatus | VmStatus | Virtual machine status |
cpu | String | cpu |
memory | String | memory |
diskSize | String | diskSize |
instanceType | String | Virtual machine type |
internalIp | String | Intranet IP |
publicIp | String | Extranet ip |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
instance_uuid | String | Virtual machine long id |
region | region | Region |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ruleId | int | Rule id |
ruleName | String | Rule name |
assetNumber | int | Number of virtual machines bound |
itemNumber | int | Number of check items bound |
checkDate | list |
Check date |
checkTime | int | Check time |
isDefault | int | Rules defaulted or not, 0: rules not defaulted, 1: rules defaulted |