
All Product Document

          Host Security

          Security Baseline Related Interface

          Query List of Check Results


          • Query list of check results.

          Request structure

          GET /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/overview?pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize}&zone={zone}&itemName={itemName}&category={category}&clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken
          pageNo int No Query Page number with default of 1
          pageSize int No Query Page size with default of 10
          zone zone No Query region, blank means global
          itemName String No Query Risk Name
          category String No Query Risk category

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          Parameter name Type Description
          status TaskStatus Task status
          totalCount int Total number of check results
          baselineList list<ItemCheckResultModel> List of check results

          Request example

          GET /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/overview?pageNo=1&pageSize=10&zone=global&itemName=test&category=test&clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS
              "baselineList": [
                      "itemId": 10 //risk id 
                      "itemName": NAME, //risk name
                      "itemCategory": {                 //risk category 
                          "system": "windows | linux ", //operating system 
                          "application": "APP",         //application 
                          "category": "category",       //detection category 
                          "item": "item",               //detection items
                     "assetNumber": 10 //number of virtual machines affected 
                      "itemLevel": "low"| "middle"| "high" //risk level
                      "updateTime": time //update time in UTC time format, such as 2018-01-01T00: 00: 00Z 
              "status": 0 | 1,    //0 task in progress 1 task completed 
              "totalCount": 11 //total number of entries

          Query Risk Details


          • Query the risk details of the specified check items.

          Request structure

          GET /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/item/{item_id}?zone={zone}&clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken
          itemId int Yes URL parameter Inspection item id
          zone zone No Query region, with default of global

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          Parameter name Type Description
          itemName String Risk Name
          itemLevel ItemLevel Risk level
          updateTime String Update time in UTC time format
          itemCategory ItemCategoryDescModel Risk category description
          solution String Repair suggestions
          assetList list<AssertModel> List of virtual machines

          Request example

          GET /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/item/11?zone=global&clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS
              "itemName" NAME, //risk name 
              "itemLevel": "low"| "middle"| "high" //risk level 
              "updateTime": time//update time 
              "itemCategory" {                 //risk category 
                  "system": "Windows | linux"    //operating system 
                  "application": "APP"        //application 
                  "category": "category"      //detection category 
                  "Item": "Item"              //detection items 
              "solution": "solution"  //suggestions for repair 
              "assetList": [
                     "uuid": "BCC_ID1",                  //virtual machine long id 
                      "region": "bj",                    //region information 
                      "instanceId": "instanceId",        //short id 
                      "name": "name",                    //name
                    "vmStatus": "vmStatus",              //virtual machine status 
                      "cpu": "cpu",                      //cpu
                      "memory": "memory",                //memory
                      "diskSize": "diskSize",            //diskSize
                      "instanceType": "instanceType",    //instanceType
                      "internalIp": "10.130.xx.xx",      //Intranet iP 
                      "publicIp": "180.xx.xx.xx",        //external network ip, return to blank if there is no ip 
              ],   //list of virtual machines affected 

          Query Configuration of the Check Time


          • Query configuration of the check time.

          Request structure

          GET/v {version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/checkTime? clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1 
           Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
           Authorization: authorization string

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          Parameter name Type Description
          checkDate list Check date
          checkTime int Check time

          Request example

          GET /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/checkTime?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS
              "checkDate": [0,1,2,3]//check date, 0 ~ 6 represents Sunday ~ Saturday 
              "checkTime": 5 //check time, 0 ~ 23 represents 0 ~ 23 o'clock

          Set Check Time


          • Set check time.

          Request structure

          PUT /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/checkTime?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string
              "checkDate": [0,1,2,3]  //check date, 0 ~ 6 represents Sunday ~ Saturday 
              "checkTime": 5          //check time, 0 ~ 23 represents 0 ~ 23 o'clock 

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken
          checkDate list Yes RequestBody Check date
          checkTime int Yes RequestBody Check time

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          There is no special return parameter.

          Request example

          PUT /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/checkTime?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02
              "checkDate": [0,1,2,3]//check date, 0 ~ 6 represents Sunday ~ Saturday 
              "checkTime":   5        //check time, 0 ~ 23 represents 0 ~ 23 o'clock 

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS

          Query List of Check Rules


          • Query list of check rules.

          Request structure

          GET /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/ruleList?pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize}&clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken
          pageNo int No Query Page number with default of 1
          pageSize int No Query Page size with default of 10

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          Parameter name Type Description
          ruleList list<RuleModel> Rule list
          totalCount int Total number of rules

          Request example

          GET /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/ruleList?pageNo=1&pageSize=10&clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS
              RuleList: [ 
                      "ruleId": 10,     //rule ID 
                      "ruleName": NAME, //rule name 
                      "assetNumber": 10            //check the number of virtual machines 
                      "itemNumber": 10             //check the number of items 
                      "checkDate": [0,1,2,3]      //check date, 0 ~ 6 represents Sunday ~ Saturday 
                      "checkTime":   5            //check time, 0 ~ 23 represents 0 ~ 23 o'clock                        
                      "asDefault":   0 |  1        //0 means non-default rule, 1 means default rule                 
              "totalCount": 11 //total number of entries 

          Query List of all Check Items


          • Query list of all check items.

          Request structure

          GET /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/itemList?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          Parameter name Type Description
          ruleName String Rule name
          items list<ItemsModel> Rule list

          Request example

          GET /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/itemList?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS
              "items" : [
                      "items": [
                              "items": [
                                      "items": [
                                              "items": null,
                                              "name": "scheduled task file permissions"
                                              "ItemsId": 1 //item id int 
                                              "status": 0 | 1   //0 means this risk item is not selected  |  1 means this risk item is selected 
                                              "items": null,
                                              "name": "check software packages installed"
                                              "ItemsId": 2 
                                              "status": 0 | 1   //0 means this risk item is not selected  |  1 means this risk item is selected                                                
                                              "items": null,
                                              "name": "check globally writable suid, sgid files"
                                              "ItemsId": 3        
                                              "status": 0 | 1   //0 means this risk item is not selected  |  1 means this risk item is selected 
                                      "name": "file Check"
                                      Items: [], 
                                      "name": "XX check"
                              "name": "linux system check"
                              Items: [], 
                              "name": "Apache Tomcat"
                      "name": "linux"
                    Items: [], 
                    "name": "windows"

          Create Check Rules


          • Create check rules.

          Request structure

          POST /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/rule?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string
               "ruleName": NAME, //rule name 
               "checkItem": [itemsId1, itemsId2, itemsId3]//list of risk ids 
               "assetList": [
                       "uuid": "BCC_ID1", //virtual machine long id 
                       "region": "bj", //region information 
               ],   //rule contains list of virtual machines 

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken
          ruleName String Yes RequestBody Rule name
          checkItem list Yes RequestBody List of check item ids
          assetList list<AssertIdModel> List of virtual machine ids

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          There is no special return parameter.

          Request example

          POST /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/rule?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02
               "ruleName": NAME, //rule name 
               "checkItem": [itemsId1, itemsId2, itemsId3]//list of risk ids 
               "assetList": [
                       "uuid": "BCC_ID1", //virtual machine long id
                      "region": "bj", //region information 
               ],   //rule contains list of virtual machines 

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS

          Query Check Rules


          • Query check rules configuration for a specified rule id.

          Request structure

          GET /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/rule/{rule_id}?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see [clientToken](HOSTEYE/API Reference/General Description.md#Idempotent)
          rule_id int Yes Query Rule id

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          Parameter name Type Description
          ruleName String Rule name
          checkItem list<ItemConfigModel > Rule list
          assetList list<AssertModel> List of virtual machines

          Request example

          GET /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/rule/1?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS
              "ruleName" : NAME,
              "checkItem" : [
                      "items": [
                              "items": [
                                      "items": [
                                              "items": null,
                                              "name": "scheduled task file permissions"
                                              "ItemsId": 1 //item id int 
                                              "status": 0 | 1   //0 means this risk item is not selected  |  1 means this risk item is selected 
                                              "items": null,
                                              "name": "check software packages installed"
                                              "ItemsId": 2 
                                              "status": 0 | 1   //0 means this risk item is not selected  |  1 means this risk item is selected                                                
                                              "items": null,
                                              "name": "check globally writable suid, sgid files"
                                              "ItemsId": 3        
                                              "status": 0 | 1   //0 means this risk item is not selected  |  1 means this risk item is selected 
                                      "name: "file Check"
                                      "items": [], 
                                      "name": "XX check".
                              "name": "linux system check"
                              Items: [], 
                              "name": "Apache Tomcat"
                      "name": "linux"
                    Items: [], 
                    "name": "windows"
              "assetList": [             //list of the user’s all virtual machines 
                      "uuid": "BCC_ID1"                 //virtual machine long id 
                      "region": "bj",                   //region information 
                      "status": 0 | 1 | 2,              //0 means not belonging to any rule, 1 means belonging to this rule, 2 means belonging to other rules 
                      "instanceId": "instanceId",        //short id 
                      "name": "name",                    //name
                      "vmStatus": "vmStatus", //virtual machine status 
                      "cpu": "cpu",                      //cpu
                      "memory": "memory",                //memory
                      "diskSize": "diskSize",            //diskSize
                      "instanceType": "instanceType",    //instanceType  
                      "internalIp": "10.130.xx.xx",      //Intranet iP
                      "publicIp": "180.xx.xx.xx",        //external network ip, return to blank if there is no ip                     
              ],   //check list of virtual machines 

          Update Check Rules


          • Update check rules configuration for a specified rule id.

          Request structure

          PUT /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/rule/{rule_id}?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string
               "ruleName": NAME, //rule name 
               "checkItem": [itemsId1, itemsId2, itemsId3]//list of risk ids 
               "assetList": [
                      "uuid": "BCC_ID1", //virtual machine long id 
                      "region": "bj",    //region information 
               ],   //rule contains list of virtual machines 

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken
          rule_id int Yes URL parameter Rule id
          ruleName String Yes RequestBody Rule name
          checkItem list Yes RequestBody List of check item ids
          assetList list<AssertIdModel> List of virtual machine ids

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          There is no special return parameter.

          Request example

          PUT /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/rule/1?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02
               "ruleName": NAME, //rule name 
               "checkItem": [itemsId1, itemsId2, itemsId3]//list of risk id 
               "assetList": [
                       "uuid": "BCC_ID1", //virtual machine long id 
                       "region": "bj", //region information 
               ],   //rule contains list of virtual machines 

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS

          Delete Check Rules


          • Delete check rules for a specified rule id.

          Request structure

          DELETE /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/rule/{rule_id}? clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1 
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken
          rule_id int Yes URL parameter Rule id

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          There is no special return parameter.

          Request example

          DELETE /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/rule/1?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS

          Check Now


          • Check now and perform all check tasks.

          Request structure

          PUT /v{version}/hosteye/securityBaseline/task?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
          Host: bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter position Description
          version String Yes URL parameter API version number (the current value is 2)
          clientToken String Yes Query parameter For details of idempotent Token, please see clientToken

          Return status code

          Successfully return to 200; for failure, please see Error Code.

          Return header

          There are no other special headers except the public headers.

          Return parameter

          There is no special return parameter.

          Request example

          PUT /v2/hosteye/securityBaseline/task?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
          HOST bss.{region}.baidubce.com
          Authorization bce-auth-v1/5e5a8adf11ae475ba95f1bd38228b44f/2016-04-10T08:26:52Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/ec3c0069f9abb1e247773a62707224124b2b31b4c171133677f9042969791f02

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          x-bce-request-id: 946002ee-cb4f-4aad-b686-5be55df27f09
          Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2016 08:26:52 GMT
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Server: BWS
          Website Backdoor Related Interface
          Appendix 1