
All Product Document

          Identity and Access Management

          Data Type

          Model Object Definition


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String User id
          name String User name
          createTime DateTime Creation time
          description String User description
          enabled Boolean User enabled status


          Parameter name Type Description
          password String User password; it is not shown as a response
          needResetPassword Boolean Whether you need to reset your password the next time you log in
          enabledLoginMfa Boolean Whether you are required to bind a secondary verification device
          loginMfaType enum Secondary verification type, optional: PHONE-phone number, TOTP virtual MFA device
          thirdPartyType enum The third party login type bound, optional: UUAP-Intranet account, PASSPORT - Baidu Account
          thirdPartyAccount String The third party login account bound. It can be phone, email and account name when the binding type is PASSPORT

          Note: The thirdPartyType and thirdPartyAccount can be unbound when both are null character strings.


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String The open ID of AccessKey, namely AK
          secret String Secret key of AccessKey, namely SK
          createTime DateTime Creation time of AccessKey
          description String AccessKey Description


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String Group ID
          name String Group name
          createTime DateTime Creation time
          description String Group description


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String Policy ID
          name String Policy name
          type String Policy type, optional: Custom - Custom Policy; System - built-in policy of the system
          createTime DateTime Creation time
          description String Policy description
          description String Policy contents, which require to be the String that is serialized for ACL format
          Policy Management Interface
          API Reference(STS)