
All Product Document

          IoT Core

          IoT Core Instance Management

          Create Instance

          Enter the instance list after activating IoT Core product service, meaning you can execute instance creation. Each instance is a separate namespace, with its own identity which is the Core ID. Different instances are isolated from each other.

          Note: Currently, each Baidu AI Cloud account can create 10 IoT Core instances.

          On the instance list page, click "Create IoT Core Instances", enter the name and description (optional) of IoT Core to be created, and submit it.


          The name consists of 3-40 characters, which can be Chinese, uppercase and lowercase English, numbers, underlines and brackets, but special characters are not allowed. The name can be modified after creation. Under the same name, the name of IoT Core cannot be repeated.

          After creating, you can see the created IoT Core instance in the list page. Display the name and ID in the first column.

          Modify Instance

          Allow to modify the existing IoT Core instance name and description information. Modify the name: In the instance list page, locate the IoT Core instance to be modified, click the modification button on the right, and then enter the new name.

          Modify description: Click the instance name to enter the detailed page, click the pencil icon to the right of the description to make modification.

          Disable and Delete Instance

          The disable and deletion can be done in the instance list page of IoT Core.

          Disable: The IoT Core instance supports the deactivation. After the deactivation, the instance will be unavailable for use, and the device will be disconnected, so please Operate with Caution.

          Deletion: When an instance is disabled, you can delete the instance. The instance cannot be recovered after deletion, so please operate with caution.

          Getting Started
          Device Access and Management