
All Product Document

          API Gateway

          Common Error Code

          API Gateway Forwarding Error Code

          Error code Error message HTTP status code Meaning Solution
          ResourceNotFound Resource not found. 404 API does not exist Check whether the requested method, path, parameters, etc. are correct and whether they correspond to the released API. Note that if a mandatory parameter is defined in the API, the parameter must appear in the header or query of the request.
          SignatureEmpty Signature is empty. 400 The signature is empty. Check whether the request header contains a signature header
          SignatureInvalid Signature is invalid: Signature format is invalid. 400 The signature format is wrong. Check if the signature format is correct
          SignatureAppInvalid Signature is invalid: App authorization failed. 400 APP certification failed The AppKey or AppCode used for signing does not exist
          SignatureTimestampInvalid Signature is invalid: Timestamp is invalid. 400 Signature timestamp error Check whether the time stamp format in the signature is correct
          SignatureTimestampExpired Signature is invalid: Timestamp is expired. 400 Signature has expired Recalculate signature
          SignatureMismatch Signature is invalid: Signature is mismatched. 400 Signature does not match Check whether the signature calculation process is correct
          RequestTimeTooSkewed The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large. 403 There is a great difference between the client-side time and server time. Correct client time and recalculate signature
          OverRateLimit Over rate limit. 429 Traffic control limit exceeded The request exceeds the client's QPS limit, please wait for a while and try again
          BadGateway No available backend. 502 No backend available The request exceeds the back-end QPS limit, or the back-end is unavailable, please wait for a while and try again
          BadGateway Failed to call backend. 502 The backend does not return a response as expected Check if the backend is working properly, or contact technical support
          GatewayTimeout Backend timeout. 504 Request backend timed out Check if the backend is working properly, or contact technical support

          API Gateway Metadata Management Error Code

          Error code Error message HTTP status code Meaning Solution
          TooManyApis You have attempted to create more APIs than allowed. 400 The number of APIs in a single group exceeds the upper limit You can apply for an increase in the upper limit by submitting a ticket
          InvalidApiName The api name is invalid. 400 API name is invalid Modify API name
          InvalidApiDescription The api description is invalid. 400 API description is invalid Modify API description
          InvalidApiVisibility The api visibility is invalid. 400 API visibility is invalid Modify API visibility configuration
          InvalidApiAuthType The api auth type is invalid. 400 API certification category is invalid Modify API authentication configuration
          InvalidResultType The result type is invalid. 400 API result category is invalid Modify the content type returned by the API
          InvalidErrorCodeSample The error code sample is invalid. 400 The API exception code is invalid. The parameters that may be wrong are:
          1. Code is invalid;
          2. Message, invalid;
          3. Description, invalid
          Modified exception code example
          InvalidApiRequestConfig The api request config is invalid. 400 The API request receiving configuration is invalid. The parameters that may be wrong are:
          1. requestProtocol, The value is not within the given range;
          2. requestHttpMethod, The value is not within the given range;
          3. requestPath, invalid;
          4. header/query/body Mode, The value is not within the given range;
          5. bodyFormat, The value is not within the given range
          Modify API request configuration
          InvalidApiServiceConfig The api service config is invalid. 400 The API request forwarding configuration is invalid. The parameters that may be wrong are:
          1.serviceType, The value is not within the given range;
          2.httpConfig, address address is not available, httpPath is invalid, method value is not in the given range, contentTypeCategory value is not in the given range;
          3. Invalid timeout configuration
          Modify the back-end service configuration
          InvalidRequestParameter The request parameter is invalid. 400 API request receiving parameter (input parameter) is invalid Modify request parameters
          InvalidServiceParameter The service parameter is invalid. 400 API request forwarding parameters (backend parameters) are invalid Modify backend parameters
          InvalidParameterMap The parameter map is invalid. 400 API parameter mapping is invalid Modify parameter mapping
          InvalidPageParameter The page size should between 1 and 100, page number should bigger than 0.
          The max keys should between 1 and 100.
          400 Invalid paging parameter Modify paging parameters
          InvalidDeployDescription The deploy description is invalid. 400 The currently posted description is invalid Modify the release description of the API
          ApiCanNotDeployed The Api can not deploy. 400 1. The value of the environment variable in the API definition was not found
          2. The host in the API definition is the intranet API
          Check API configuration
          ApiNotDeployed The api is not deployed to given stage. 400 API is not deployed to the given environment Check the offline API configuration
          TooManyApps You have attempted to create more apps than allowed. 400 The number of current user apps exceeds the upper limit You can apply for an increase in the upper limit by submitting a ticket
          AppAlreadyExists The app name is already exist. 400 The APP name already exists in the current user Modify APP name
          ParameterMissing There are many kinds of detailed information, which will not be detailed here 400 Common parameter missing exception Add parameters according to the error message
          InvalidAppName The app name is invalid. 400 Invalid APP name Modify APP name
          InvalidAppDescription The app description is invalid. 400 APP description is invalid Modify APP description
          InvalidAppId The app id is invalid. 400 Invalid APP ID Check APP ID
          InvalidExpireTime The expire time is invalid. 400 Incorrect expiration time format Modify time format
          InvalidIpControlName The ip control name is invalid. 400 IP access control name is invalid Check IP access control configuration
          InvalidIpControlDescription The ip control description is invalid. 400 IP access control description is invalid Check IP access control configuration
          InvalidIpControlType The ip control type is invalid. 400 IP access control type error Check IP access control configuration
          TooManyIps You have attempted to bind more ips than allowed. 400 The number of currently bound IP exceeds the upper limit You can apply for an increase in the upper limit by submitting a ticket
          PolicyIpDuplication The IPs in policy are duplicated 400 IP duplication in policy Check the configuration
          TooManyGroups You have attempted to create more groups than allowed. 400 The number of API groups of the current user in the current region exceeds the upper limit You can apply for an increase in the upper limit by submitting a ticket
          TooManyPolicies You have attempted to bind more policies than allowed. 400 The number of current binding policies exceeds the upper limit You can apply for an increase in the upper limit by submitting a ticket
          InvalidGroupName The group name is invalid. 400 The name of the API group is invalid Change setting
          InvalidGroupDescription The group description is invalid. 400 The description of the API group is invalid Check the description of the API group
          InvalidVariableKey Variable key is invalid. 400 The key of the newly created variable is invalid Modify the environment variable configuration
          InvalidVariableValue Variable value is invalid. 400 The value of the newly created variable is invalid Modify the environment variable configuration
          InvalidDomain Custom domain is invalid. 400 Incorrect domain format Check custom domain
          UnRecordDomain Domain has no icp record. 400 The current domain name is not registered Check custom domain
          UnCnameDomain Domain not cname to group. 400 The domain name is not resolved to the current API group Check custom domain
          InvalidDomainInCertificate The domain is not valid in certificate. 400 The current domain name is not in the valid range of the certificate Check the certificate verification of the domain name
          TooManyGroupDomains You have attempted to bind more group domains than allowed. 400 The bound domain name of a single group exceeds the upper limit You can apply for an increase in the upper limit by submitting a ticket
          NoSuchDomain The domain is deleted or not exist. 400 The current domain name does not exist Please check the domain configuration
          InvalidModelName The model name is invalid. 400 model Invalid name Please check the model name specification
          InvalidModelDescription Model description is invalid. 400 model description is invalid Please check the model description specification
          InvalidModelDefinition The model definition is invalid. 400 model definition is invalid Please check the model definition specification
          InvalidVpcTemplateName Vpc template name is invalid. 400 The VPC template name format is invalid Please check the VPC template name specification
          VpcTemplateNameAlreadyExists Vpc template name already exists. 400 The VPC template name already exists Please change the name of the VPC template
          InvalidRegion The region is invalid or not supported. 400 Invalid regional value Please check the region information
          InvalidVpcId The vpc id does not exist in given region. 400 VPC ID is invalid (does not exist, does not belong to the current account, is not in the designated region) Please check the VPC ID
          InvalidVpcIp The vpc ip is invalid. 400 IP value is invalid Please check the VPC IP specification
          InvalidVpcPort The vpc port is invalid. 400 Invalid port value Please check the VPC port specification
          TooManyVpcTemplate You are trying to create vpc template more than allowed. 400 The template created has reached the limit The upper limit can be increased by submitting a ticket
          TooManyBackendKeys You have created backend keys up to limit. 400 The number of backend keys exceeds the limit The upper limit can be increased by submitting a ticket
          InvalidBackendKeyName Backend key name is invalid. 400 The back-end key name is invalid Please check the backend key name specification
          InvalidBackendKeyDescription Backend key description is invalid. 400 The back-end key description is invalid Please check the backend key description Specification
          InvalidBackendKeySignatureKey Backend key signatureKey is invalid. 400 The backend key is invalid Please check the backend key specification
          BackendKeyInUse Backend key can not be deleted because it is still in use. 400 The back-end key is in use and cannot be deleted Please check the backend key secret specification
          NoApiWhenBinding No Api When Binding Backend Key. 400 When binding API, the API list is empty Check the list of bound APIs
          ApiImportException Swagger ymal can't be parsed.
          Content to import can't be parsed.
          400 The imported content cannot be parsed Check the imported content
          ApiImportException Miss swagger backend service required param 400 The back-end service parameter setting is abnormal during API import Check the backend service configuration of the API
          ApiImportException Swagger backend param property is miss. 400 The attributes are missing when configuring constant parameters or system parameters Check API constant parameters or system parameter configuration
          ApiImportException Swagger parameter <message> is wrong. 400 When the parameter type is converted, the conversion error is caused by the configuration error Follow the prompts to check the API configuration
          ApiImportException There is no apis to import. 400 There is no API in the imported data Please configure API when importing
          InvalidBackendKeySignatureSecret Backend key signatureSecret is invalid. 400 The back-end key secret is invalid Please check the backend key secret specification
          AppOperationDenied No permission to operate the app. 403 Target APP operation rejected Check the APP to modify
          AppInconsistent The app key and app id are inconsistent. 404 APP ID and APP key are inconsistent Check APP
          NoSuchApi The api is deleted or not exist. 404 The destination API does not exist Without this API, it cannot be modified
          NoSuchStage The stage is deleted or not exist. 404 Target environment does not exist Modify API release environment
          NoSuchHistory The history is not exist. 404 Target history does not exist Check API version configuration
          NoSuchApi The api is deleted or not exist. 404 The current API does not exist Check the API to modifyor delete
          NoSuchApp The app is deleted or not exist. 404 The target app does not exist Check the APP to modify
          NoSuchIpControl The ip control is deleted or not exist. 404 IP access control does not exist Check and modify the configuration
          NoSuchPolicy The policy is deleted or not exist. 404 The target IP access control policy does not exist Check the configuration
          NoSuchIpControl The ip control is deleted or not exist. 404 IP access control does not exist Check the configuration
          AlreadyBoundIpControl The binding of the api with this stage tag has bound. 404 API has been bound in this environment Check the configuration
          NoSuchGroup The group is deleted or not exist. 404 Target API group does not exist . Check group configuration
          NoSuchVariable The variable is deleted or not exist. 404 The target environment variable does not exist Check the configuration
          NoSuchCertificate The certificate is deleted or not exist. 404 The current certificate does not exist Please check the certificate information
          NoSuchVpcTemplate There is no such vpc template. 404 The query template does not exist Please check the VPC template information
          NoSuchBackendKey No such backend key. 404 The back-end key does not exist or is not available under the account Please check the backend key information
          ApiInUse The api has been deployed and still in use. 409 The destination API has been deployed and is in use The API is now abolished and then deleted
          IpControlNotEmpty The ip control you tried to delete is not empty. 409 There is a binding API in the IP access control, and the deletion is refused Now unbind the API, and then delete the IP access control
          OperationNotSupport The type of refuse is not allowed to bind appId. 409 The current IP access policy type does not support setting APP Please check the access control policy configuration
          PolicyAlreadyExists The policy with this app id is already exist. 409 The current APP ID policy already exists Check the APP configuration in the policy
          ApiAlreadyExists 1.The requested API name is already exist in the group.
          2.The requested API request line(method path required query parameter) is already existed in the group.
          409 1. The API name already exists in the current user request group
          2. API Duplicate configuration
          The API upper limit can be increased by submitting a ticket
          GroupAlreadyExists The requested group name is already existed 409 The name of the API group already exists in the current user request region Modify group configuration
          GroupNotEmpty The group you tried to delete is not empty. 409 The target API group contains API and refuse to delete Please delete the API of the group before deleting the group
          VariableAlreadyExists The requested variable key is already existed in the stage. 409 New variable already exists Change environment variable configuration
          GroupDomainAlreadyExists The domain is already binding on this group.Please select a different domain and try again. 409 The domain name already exists in the current group Check custom domain
          ModelAlreadyExists The model name already exists. 409 Model name already exists Please check the model name configuration
          BackendKeyNameAlreadyExists Backend key name already exists. 409 Duplicate back-end key name Please check the back-end key name configuration
          BatchOperationLimitExceeded The api id in traffic policy binding is exceed limit. 413 The number of bindings exceeds the limit Reduce the number of batch bindings

          <message> Indicate specific exception information, corresponding to the actual exception information.
