Baidu AI Cloud


API Gateway

Grouping Management

One complete service generally consists of a group of APIs. While the grouping management feature of the API Gateway can help you efficiently and conveniently manage a group of related API.

Create Group

  1. Log in to official website.
  2. Log in to Platform:

    • If there is no user name, please complete registration first. Please refer to Account Registration for operation.
    • If there is a user name, please refer to Login for the log-in operation.
  3. After logging in, select "Product Service > API Gateway" to enter the "Grouping management" page.
  4. Click "New group" to start creating a group.


  5. Fill in the group name and group description information, and click "Confirm" to create a group.


Manage Group

After a group is created, the API Gateway binds one default domain name for the group. The user may also bind a custom domain name for the group. Moreover, the user may also create an environment variable for the group to facilitate the API creation and management.

Manage Domain Name

In the "Grouping management" page, click "Manage" under the "Number of Bound Domain Names" column, or click Group name to enter the details page of grouping management.


Details page of grouping management:


Domain name binding

Click "Bind Domain Name" button in the "custom Domain Name" column in the details page of grouping management:


Input the custom domain name. If you want to allow the domain name to support the https protocol, you can select SSL certificates for the domain name (if there is no certificate, you should go to the certificate center for addition) and click "Confirm" to bind the domain name.


The domain name may be used only after it is filed and passed, and the cname is directed to the default domain name of the group.

Domain name unbinding

In the custom domain name list, click "Unbind Domain Name" button on the far right of the domain name to be unbound to complete unbinding after confirmation.

Environment Management

Each API group has three environments: Test, pre-release and on-line environments. You can select to release the API under the group to one environment of the group, or multiple environments simultaneously.

We can define the corresponding environment variable parameters for each environment. The environment variables may be used at any optional position after API configures the request sent to the back end. When the API is called, the API Gateway parses the corresponding environment variables according to the environment where the API is located.

Click "Environment Management" under the "Operation" column to enter the configuration page of environment management.


Select the environment where the variable is to be created, and then click "New variable".


After filling in the variable name and value, click "Add" to create the environment variable.


API Management