
All Product Document

          Web Application Firewall WAF


          Model Object Definition


          Parameter name Type Description
          region Region Region where the resource is located
          listener Object The listener object has 2 elements, and protocol and port respectively represent the protocol and port monitored by blb.
          wafName String Waf instance name
          wafId String waf identifier
          status InstanceStatus Waf instance status
          blbName String Blb instance name
          blbId String Blb identifier
          domain String Primary domain bound to waf
          webSwitch Int web protection switch, INT type: 0: Close, 1: Enable
          customSwitch Int Custom protection switch, INT type: 0: Close, 1: Enable


          Parameter name Type Description
          protocol String Only https or http types
          port Int listener port, int type: 1-65535
          rsList List List of bcc bound to blb


          Code Description
          available Instance available
          paused The instance expires and is suspended.
          pausing The instance expires and is being processed.
          updating The instance is being updated.
          deleting The instance is being deleted.
          deleted The instance is deleted.


          Code Description
          bj Beijing
          gz Guangzhou
          su Suzhou
          fsh Shanghai
          hkg Hong Kong
          hk02 Hong Kong Zone II


          Parameter name Type Description
          time String Occurrence time of attack
          bcc List List of affected assets
          ip String Attacker ip
          addr String Attacker address
          userAgent String Attacker camouflage ua
          url String Attack request url
          ruleId String When the user sets a custom rule, RuleId represents the identifier of the custom rule.
          ruleName String When the user sets a custom rule, RuleId represents the name of the custom rule.
          ruleInfo String Contents of the custom rule set by the user
          type String Web protection strategy, deny or log modes
          body String Details of attack request


          Parameter name Type Description
          time Int Value characterizing a time point, value range, [00-24]
          total Int Number of attacks at this time point


          Parameter name Type Description
          blbName String Blb instance name
          blbId String Blb identifier
          longId String Long id of blb
          listenerList List<BlbListener> List of protocols monitored by blb


          Parameter name Type Description
          name String Policy name: only supports 1-65 numbers, upper and lower case letters, -/_ ., and must start with letters.
          type String Action executed by the custom rule: log: observation pattern, deny: interception pattern, pass: trusted traffic
          conditions List<CustomCondition> Custom rule conditions contained in the custom rule, a maximum of 3 items


          Parameter name Type Description
          key String Matches, only supporting the several models: uri, ip, referer, user_agent, get_param
          match String Matched pattern: prefix, include, suffix, equal, not_equal, not_include.
          value String Match contents: not supporting Chinese, supporting numbers, upper and lower case letters-._


          Parameter name Type Description
          wafName String Waf instance name
          wafId String waf identifier
          status InstanceStatus Waf instance status
          domain String Primary domain bound to waf
          subdomain SubDomainCount Statistics of sub-domains configured by waf
          subDomainList List List of names of protected subdomains
          webSwitch Int web protection switch, INT type: 0: Close, 1: Enable
          customSwitch Int Custom protection switch, INT type: 0: Close, 1: Enable


          Parameter name Type Description
          name String Policy name: only supports 1-65 numbers, upper and lower case letters, -/_ ., and must start with letters.
          type String Action executed by the custom rule: log: observation pattern, deny: interception pattern, pass: trusted traffic
          patten String Executed action: black: intercept, white: pass
          key String Matches, only supporting the several models: uri, ip, referer, user_agent, get_param
          match String Matched pattern: prefix, include, suffix, equal, not_equal, not_include.
          value String Match contents: not supporting Chinese, supporting numbers, upper and lower case letters-._
          Update History